A Wall That Saves Money
Have you ever heard of passive income? It is a term describing money gained while no significant action is taken on your part, such as rent taken in from a rental property you own. While this might not be for you, there are ways to minimize expenses that once...
Correct Wiring is Essential
Among the defects found in a home inspection, electrical issues are among the more serious ones. This is because they can pose a risk to your and your family’s health. Because of this, it is important that these issues are addressed, preferably by a licensed...
Using Your Tools the Right Way
Do you know that there is a right way and a wrong way to use a plunger? It might not come as a surprise, since this is the case with pretty much any tool you come across, but a plunger might seem so simple that it should be easy to use. While it is true that a plunger...
Using a Little Less Water
Life here on earth is dependent on water, and as you are probably aware, drinking water is not very plentiful in many parts of the world. While water supplies in this country seem plentiful, some are still concerned about what the future will bring. If you have...
Cleaning Up For Allergies
As any person with allergies will tell you, pet dander is no joke, but what will happen if you are in the market to buy a home and you are unaware that there was an animal living there before? You might not be aware of it when touring the home, there will be so many...
Building With The Past
A popular trend among DIY home improvement fans is to reclaim old building materials and incorporating them into their projects. This can give a very nice vintage style, but there are some things to keep in mind when using old building materials. The first concern is...
Gutters Done Right
Are your gutters installed properly? While everything might look alright, there is a possible problem that many homeowners aren’t even aware of. When you have a roof that has different levels, the gutters from a higher section of the roof should not be draining onto...
The Worst Bugs To Deal With
Bed bugs are terrible to deal with. They are difficult to kill and they can hide really well in your home. On top of that, they are spreading faster than ever in the past. With the dawn of modern travel, these bugs have spread around the world. They were thought to be...
The Venting Matters
Would you dump a gallon of water in your basement? Of course not. That could cause all kinds of problems, and it could cost you a lot of money if it leads to mold growth or a similar problem. Why do we ask that? Well, if you are running a dryer that doesn’t vent...
Ancient Roofing Materials
Have you ever seen a home with clay roofing? It is not a very common sight, but if you see one, you might notice that it probably has been around for a long time. Clay roofing is definitely one of the more durable types that are available, some roofs lasting over 100...